video modeling

PBIS Curriculum


PBIS Curriculum

The M.O.D.E.L. PBIS curriculum rubric outlines the skills targeted in each of the videos. This easy-to-implement video modeling curriculum fosters positive behaviors, supports academic success, and enhances student well-being. Watch the videos, learn the songs, practice the skills. Accessible to Tier 1, 2, and 3 students. Videos for behavior in the: Classroom, Cafeteria, Hall, Restroom, and Playground.

M indful of Safety
O wnership of Actions
D etermination in Learning
E mpathy Toward Others
L eadership in Behavior

Currently released: Classroom, Cafeteria, Hall, Restroom
Next: Playground

M.O.D.E.L. Rubric

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curriculum PBIS


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curriculum PBIS

PBIS Curriculum

The PBIS curriculum is designed for all students, including those with disabilities and/or behavioral challenges. Its tiered support system offers different levels of intervention, making it versatile and adaptable. PBIS creates an inclusive, equitable learning environment that benefits:

  • Elementary, Middle, and High School Students: PBIS is tailored to fit different developmental stages and academic settings.
  • Special Education Students: PBIS provides additional support for students with unique behavioral needs.
children social skills
kids social skills

PBIS Curriculum

The PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) curriculum is a proactive, structured approach to teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors in schools. Unlike traditional disciplinary methods, which often focus on punishment, PBIS thereby emphasizes a tiered system of supports to guide students toward desired behaviors. The goal is therefore to create a safe, positive learning environment where all students can thrive, feel respected, and succeed academically.

A core component of the PBIS curriculum is its clear set of behavioral expectations. These expectations are explicitly taught and practiced in various settings within the school, from classrooms to hallways and playgrounds. In addition, through frequent reinforcement and praise, students learn to internalize these behaviors, contributing to a culture of respect and responsibility. PBIS also employs a reward system that acknowledges students when they meet or exceed these expectations, which helps to reinforce positive behaviors over time.

The PBIS curriculum is built on a tiered model. Tier 1 provides universal support to all students, ensuring they understand and can meet behavior expectations. For students who need extra guidance, Tier 2 offers targeted interventions, like small group activities or check-ins with counselors. Tier 3, the most intensive level, provides individualized support for students with complex behavioral needs, helping them succeed in the school environment.

Implementing the PBIS curriculum has numerous benefits. Schools often see reductions in disciplinary incidents, like suspensions or detentions, as well as an increase in overall academic performance. PBIS fosters a collaborative atmosphere among students, teachers, and staff, enhancing the sense of community within the school. Additionally, the data-driven nature of PBIS allows educators to make informed decisions, adjusting interventions to better serve students over time. As a result, PBIS has become a highly regarded framework for promoting positive school culture and supporting students’ social-emotional development.